Thursday, January 22, 2009

I thought I was on a sorority sabbatical...

I love my sorority, but recruitment is not my favorite part. It´s awkward.

My dinner last night...felt like a recruitment event. A room full of Spaniards. Our job, impress them, make them pick us. Yup, recruitment. Kristy, I would like to suggest this type of situation for our recruitment workshop. 100 strangers of all ages and both genders, speaking a new language. Ok. Go make friends!

It was really great though. I got a chance to talk to these three women, in their late 20s. They are all roommates new to Toledo also. It was interesting. We actually talked alot about the need to learn a new language. They are all studying English as well. They were also surprised that I new where different Spanish cities are. We got to talking about how many Americans are not the most knowledgable with geography, but that it is understandable. They don´t always know every country in eastern Europe either.

I was "bumping" with my friend Emily when we "bumped" into the two most adorablt 15 year olds, Irene and Irene. They are too cute. They actually wanted to speak English, which was almost harder to do than speaking Spanish. We talked about my new favorite TV show ¡Fama!¡A Bailar! And traveling. Irene 1 has been studying english for 10 year. They have English 4 times a week in high school and they have 2 hours each week with a tutor. Irene 1 wants to go to England, but is afraid. My response - I´m alive in Spain, you can do it too!

I´m really excited / nervious for my "Intercambio". I know that it will help my Spanish, and give me a chance to meet new Toledanos (I think that´s what you are when you live in Toledo).

Hmm, that´s about it. Life this week has been relatively normal, if you can call living in a new country normal.

Today, Friday, Toledo is pretty much dead. It´s a national holiday for Toledo so tons of people have off and most of the stores are closed. We all thought that there would be tons of parties tongiht, but apparently everyone just goes to Madrid for the weekend. So, we´ll be the only ones in Toledo. Yeah.

So I have to share something else with you all. Toledo is beatiful at every angle. Not kidding. Everyday when I walk to school I look up, and see 15th century castle in one spot, then something even more gorgeous around the next corner.

Hopefully I can post pictures soon so you can see what I mean.

Besos y abrazos!

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